Thursday 18 April 2013

Today I Learned: How to add Google+ Comments to My Blog

Google+ Comments is an alternative to the default commenting system on Blogger, available to blog authors who have upgraded their Blogger profile to Google+. Google+ Comments lets you bring the following conversations together in one place, right under your blog post:

  • Comments made on your Blogger blog post
  • Comments on the blog post that you’ve shared to Google+
  • Shared content on Google+ that links to your blog post
  • Readers will need a Google+ page or profile to comment on your blog.

Features of Google+ Comments

Google+ Comments look similar to traditional Blogger comments, but have some important differences. For example:

  • When you leave a comment on a blog, you'll see the option, checked by default, to also share that comment to Google+.
  • Google+ posts that link to blog posts will show up as a comment underneath those blog posts
  • If original comment is shared to Google+, replies to the comment on the blog will show up in Google+ and vice versa, but only to the people that the original comment was shared with
  • If a comment is not shared with the blog author, the blog author will not be able to see the comment in either location
  • As the author of a post, you’ll receive Google+ notifications when readers comment on or share your blog post.

Here is How to add your Google Plus Comments to Your Blog

  1. Sign in to Blogger
  2. Click on the “Google+” tab in your blog’s Dashboard
  3. Upgrade to Google+ if you haven’t already done so
  4. Enable Google+ Comments. Comments already made on your posts will keep working in the new widget.

How to Associate your blog with your Google+ profile?

If you blog under your common name (eg. “Jane Smith’s blog”), you’ll find that associating your blog with your personal Google+ profile may increase your blog’s discoverability and make it easier to form communities with other bloggers and readers.

When you link your blog to your Google+ profile, you can share posts directly from Blogger to your personal stream.

You can change your blog’s association with your Google+ profile to an association with a Google+ page via the Google+ tab on Blogger.

Associating your blog with your +Page

If your blog is a brand (eg. “The Coffee Bar”), you can link your blog to a Google+ page. By creating a page for your blog you’ll find that linking your blog to your Google+ page may increase its discoverability and make it easier to form communities with other bloggers and readers.

When you link your blog to your Google+ page, you can share posts directly from Blogger to your page. If you associate your blog with a Google+ page, any Blogger gadgets that originally pointed to your Google+ profile will then point to your Google+ page. The same is true if you switch from a page to a profile.

If your blog is currently associated with a page, and you would like to link it to your Google+ profile or another page you own, you can do so via the Google+ tab on Blogger.

Blogging under your Blogger display name

If you don’t want to connect your blog to Google+, you can still continue to blog under your Blogger display name. Remember that you can have a Google+ profile or page even if you choose to have a Blogger display name -- the difference is that the two won’t be linked externally.