Showing posts with label PPC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PPC. Show all posts

Friday, 27 February 2015

Unified Device Targeting with Bing Ads

'Bing Ads' sent me this email yesterday: 
In October 2014, Bing Ads rolled out tablet-related device targeting changes. Beginning March 23, 2015 Bing will further consolidate by adding smartphones into a single, unified device targeting option, with bid modifiers available to help manage traffic from various sources. Once this migration is complete, with a single campaign setup, you will automatically reach people across the Yahoo Bing Network wherever they are searching: on smartphones, tablets or PCs — while enjoying the controls you need to help you meet your search advertising objectives. 

What is changing?
Instead of selecting specific devices and operating systems for your ads to target, you will automatically begin to receive traffic from all devices. You can apply bid adjustments to increase or decrease your bid for traffic coming from different devices — providing the flexibility to optimize your campaigns to meet your business goals. This table shows the bid adjustments that are available: 

Bing AdsGoogle AdWords
Targeting selectionUnified across devicesUnified across devices
Bid modifiersDesktopNot availableNot available
Tablet-20% to +300%Not available
Mobile-100%* to +300%-100% to +300%
‘If mobile’ URLsYesYes
Mobile PreferenceYesYes
*Bid modifiers available in increments of "1" from -90% to +300%, or you can set to -100% to opt out of mobile ads. 

To see what the new interface will look like, be sure to visit the Unified Device Targeting Frequently Asked Questions section of 

How will my campaigns be affected?
This migration will impact all campaigns that are currently targeting mobile only or PC/tablet only. This table illustrates the changes for different campaign types: 

Current Device(s) TargetedImpact
PC + tabletSmartphone targeting added
SmartphonePC/tablet targeting added
All Devices (PC + smartphone + tablet)None

Why is this change being made?
Our goal is to help you connect with searchers regardless of where they are searching, and make it as easy as possible to manage your campaigns across search engines. Mobile searchers drive over 30% of the searches on the Yahoo Bing Network¹ — so if mobile is not currently part of your campaign targeting, you may be missing the opportunity to connect with valuable new customers. 

What do I need to do?
There are several steps you can take now to prepare for the Unified Device Targeting migration. For more information and best practices, please refer to the Unified Device Targeting Frequently Asked Questions section of 

Action: the most important action to take right now
Review your campaigns to determine if your campaigns (and how many) are targeting either mobile devices only or PC/tablet devices only. If you have campaigns that are only targeting one or the other, review to see if you have more than one campaign targeting the same keyword (for example: a mobile-only campaign targeting the keyword "roses" and a separate PC/tablet campaign also targeting the keyword "roses"). 

If you have multiple campaigns targeting the same keyword, you will need to combine them into a single campaign before migration begins March 23, 2015. Otherwise, Bing Ads will automatically add additional device targets to your existing campaigns, and you run the risk of having multiple campaigns targeting the same keyword, which means you will be competing against yourself for ad placement. 

Action: the second most important action to take right now
If you haven’t already, be sure to create a mobile-friendly landing page or website, so no matter which device people are using, your site will look great. To learn more about best practices for creating mobile-optimized web experiences, review the Mobile Optimized Website Guide on In addition, be sure to implement {if mobile/if not mobile} query string parameters in your destination URLs to ensure that you are driving traffic to the correct destination. 

Need help? Have questions?
Use these resources for more information about Unified Device Targeting and best practices for managing campaigns during the transition:

PPC ads on Google Play Store SERPS

Like with Adwords ads on Google SERP (Search ads), Mobile app developers will soon be able to run PPC ads on the Google Play results page.

It is of course different than the current mobile advertising system, where advertisers (whether app developers or anything else) could target only other mobile apps.

The ad listing will look something like the Adwords ads we see everyday on Google Search Engine Result Pages.

Google Play now reaches more than 1 billion people on Android devices in more than 190 countries, helping a growing number of developers like you build successful global businesses. In fact, in the past year, we paid more than $7 billion to developers distributing apps and games on Google Play. We remain as committed as ever to making Google Play the best place to find great apps, games and other entertainment.

App discovery plays a critical role in driving your continued success, and over the past year Google has provided bestpractices to enhance app discovery and engagement, as well as app promotion tools to get the most out of search and display advertising for developers. We are always looking for new ways to help you get your apps in front of potential new users. That’s why, in the next few weeks, we will begin piloting sponsored search results on Google Play, bringing our unique expertise in search ads to the store.

With more than 100 billion searches every month on, we’ve seen how search ads shown next to organic search results on can significantly improve content discovery for users and advertisers, both large and small. Search ads on Google Play will enable developers to drive more awareness of their apps and provide consumers new ways to discover apps that they otherwise might have missed.

In the coming weeks, a limited set of users will begin to see ads from a pilot group of advertisers who are already running Google search ads for their apps. We’ll have more to share in the coming months about the expansion of this program as we look at the results and feedback. We believe search ads will be a useful addition to Google Play for users and developers alike, and we hope this will bring even more success to our developer community.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Google Study: PPC and SEO for Branded KWs is better than Just SEO

It used to confuse me before, why would I add my brand keywords or keywords that I am already on top of SERPs for in my PPC campaign? I was thinking that people are going to click on my links automatically because they are already on top.
But I still ran the camapigns with those KWs, just to prevent competitors taking them.
Then I found an inetresting study to justify the paid clicks on branded and organically ranked KWs:

The study which was conducted by Google concluded that 50 percent of clicks generated by paid ads are not replaced by organic clicks when the ads are absent and the website has a first position organic search ranking. The study also shows that as the organic search ranking decreases, the percentage of clicks not replaced by the paid ad increases. This implies that organic search alone cannot drive as much traffic to a website as organic search combined with paid search.
Here is the Abstract:

Impact Of Ranking Of Organic Search Results On The Incrementality Of Search Ads

Abstract: In an earlier study, we reported that on average 89% of the visits to the advertiser’s site from search ad clicks were incremental. In this research, we examine how the ranking of an advertiser’s organic listings on the search results page affects the incrementality of ad clicks expressed through Incremental Ad Clicks (IAC) and as estimated by Search Ads Pause models. A meta-analysis of 390 Search Ads Pause studies highlights the limited opportunity for clicks from organic search results to substitute for ad clicks when the ads are turned off. On average, 81% of ad impressions and 66% of ad clicks occur in the absence of an associated organic search result. We find that having an associated organic search result in rank one does not necessarily mean a low IAC. On average, 50% of the ad clicks that occur with a top rank organic result are incremental, compared to 100% of the ad clicks being incremental in the absence of an associated organic result.

Impact Of Ranking Of Organic Search Results On The Incrementality Of Search Ads

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

How Egypt and India are Threatening The Future of Facebook?

As you may know, Facebook exists and grows because of the ads they run on the right side bar. When people click on those ads, the advertisers pay Facebook per each click (or 'Like').

You might also heard of 'Click Farms', where some small companies or individuals charge a facebook page a small amount of money to send them 'Fake' visits and Likes.

How Click Farms Work?

Simply, how these Click Farms work is by hiring people in developing countries like Egypt, India, Indonesia, etc. to Like advertised pages with fake accounts.

What about Legitimate clicks on Facebook Ads?

Even legitimate clicks on Facebook Ads could also generate Fake likes from fake FB accounts because click farmers sometimes click "Randomly" on ads to avoid being suspicious and caught by Facebook Quality Assurance team.
That is what Veritasium, a famous YouTube Channel, tried to proof in a video last week. They ran a nice experiment to proof that even paid ads generate fake likes.

Although the experiment looks interesting, but I do not think it is accurate. I myself tried to run a Facebook Campaign before for a Saudi Arabian Social Activist page to get him many likes for his Facebook Statuses and shared articles but I could not get any clicks although the bidding was set to be too high and the impressions were in thousands. But No Clicks! because the ads were too serious and very restrictive. 

Plus, what makes me believe that the above experiment is not accurate is that how come a Targeted campaign limiting the ad view to the US and Canada get clicks from Egypt? It is technically impossible unless the Click Farmers are using proxies to click on ads targeting Canada, but do they? 

Why Would Such a problem threaten Facebook?

As I said before, Facebook's revenue is coming from Pay per Click Advertising. So, if Facebook is taking money for Fake clicks, and it was proven, Advertisers will stop advertising with the Facebook model provided that they won't sue the company for the thousands they previously paid in vain. 
The US State Department paid 650,000 dollars on Facebook Ads and got less than 2% engagement. 


Although Click Farms are getting more and more popular and they sometimes click on Facebook Ads, I believe that a company as big as Facebook knows very well how to avoid such invalid clicks, because without Strict Quality Assurance, the will be history. 

Read More: 

How low-paid workers at 'click farms' create appearance of online popularity

Monday, 16 September 2013

Top Free Essential SEO Tools For Mobiles

Top Free Essential SEO Tools For Mobiles 2012
Top Free Essential SEO Tools For Mobiles 

by Mina Adly Younan 

The growth in mobile browsing has been incredible over the past year. With nearly half of UK smartphone owners using their mobiles to browse and research products and Mobile Search accounting for an impressive 12% of all UK search clicks in December 2011 (Marin Software, 2012). Morgan Stanley Corp. have also found in a recent study that Mobile traffic is expected to surpass desktop traffic by 2015 as shown in the graph below.  For a website to remain its high ranking on search engines (Google) should do all needed efforts to make their mobile versions as friendly and functional as possible.
In doing so, webmasters will need the following Top Free Essential SEO Tools for Mobiles:

1- Mobilize your Site () : see how your current site looks in mobile, and find resources for building your mobile site.

2- Our Mobile Planet ():  View data about mobile users that Google has gathered. Select your key demographic and other potential customers, and view key differences.

3- Mobile Meter () gives an overview of how your site looks and performs on a mobile.

4- Google Adwords for Mobiles:  It is the same Adwords tool used for desktop searches. It gives a guideline on the monthly volume in searches. The tool can also show data for searches on mobile devices.  To do so, select ‘advanced options’ > ‘show ideas and statistics for’ > and select ‘mobile’.
Local search trends can be added to see seasonal fluctuations or if keyword searches are increasing in volume. Select columns and ‘local search trends’. This will show a simple bar graph, but if you download the data it will give some figures over time.

5-PageSpeed Insights (): test speed from both a desktop and mobile perspective. Very useful to see where the easiest performance improvements can be gained in terms of download speed. As site speed is considered part of Google’s algorithm, fixing issues could result in a real impact on mobile search positions.

6- Google Webmaster Tools for Mobiles:  It is the same Google Webmaster tool as it can also check mobile sites setup and investigate any performance issues or poor search results. Additionally, if you redirect mobile users to specific mobile versions of your URLs, then Mobile Sitemaps can be added in Google Webmaster Tools.

7- Mobilize your Business with Google Sites (): Build a test or mock up and see how it performs. The tool have different templates for several types of landing pages.

8- Google Mobile Ads ( Although it is a PPC tool, it can be used to find a lot of potential methods to look at that can drive traffic to your mobile landing pages using mobile ads like:
·         Phone numbers in ads using ‘click-to-call’,
·         click-to-download
·         Mobile Ad Sitelinks
·         Seller Ratings
·         Location Extensions (Multiple Addresses too!)
·         Location Targeting

9- Speeking of PPC, there is of course there the AdMob that is now owned by Google 

10- Google Analytics for Mobiles (): The same Google Analytics for Desktop could be used for mobile browsers so that you can easily find out which mobile devices are working well, and which need optimization by asking the right questions like: Is some content getting a lot of mobile traffic but performing relatively badly? Can a page be optimized to generate more phone call leads? Which content drives more local mobile users? It is even possible to hook Analytics up to track downloads of mobile apps.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

How to Calculate your ROI for Online Advertising campaigns?

3 Years ago, a Sales Manager at Google Adwords, and a friend too, told me if you know the power of Online Adverting, you will keep your campaigns "Always On". Because if for every 1000$ you pay on advertising you gain 1300$ revenue, then why limit your budget if profit can be unlimited?

So, to be more convincing we need to Calculate the net profit by subtracting your costs from your AdWords revenue for a given time period. Then divide your net profit by your AdWords costs to get your AdWords ROI for that time period. 

Here's an example:
($1300               -
$1000)        /
$1000        =
Your revenue (measured by conversions)
Your overall costs
Your AdWords costs
Your ratio of profit to advertising cost is 30% -- this is your AdWords ROI.

always on marketing

Sometimes your ROI may require a different formula. For example, if you're interested in calculating the ROI for a page view or lead, you'll have to estimate the values of each of these actions.

A Yellow Pages ad for your business may cost $1000 per year and result in 100 leads. Ten of those leads become customers, and each customer provides a net profit of $120, after taking your business costs into account. So the value of each lead is $12 ($1200 net profit/100 leads), and your ROI for the Yellow Pages ad is 120% ($1200 net profit/$1000 advertising cost) x 100.
Here's the formula used in this example: (Total revenue - Total cost)/Advertising costs x 100 = Advertising ROI %

A simple alternative to estimating values for your leads and page views is to use a cost-per-acquisition (CPA) measurement. Acquisitions are the same thing as conversions: they're actions your customers take that you think are valuable, such as completing a purchase or signing up to receive more information.
Using this method allows you to focus primarily on how your advertising costs compare to the number of acquisitions those costs deliver. Using the Yellow Pages example again, your ad may cost $1000, resulting in 10 sales. So your CPA for that ad is $100. Here's the formula for CPA: 

(Costs/Sales) = CPA

Your CPA shouldn't exceed the profit you made from each acquisition. For your Yellow Pages ad, the CPA is 20% less than the profit the acquisitions provide.

Formula to calculate Cost Per Acquisition

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) is calculated as:

ad campaign cost/[number of impressions x CTR x CR]. 

Example: an advertiser pays a CPM of $10. For 20,000 impressions the advertiser has 5 percent click-through rate (CTR) to the landing (destination page). 30 percent of those 5 percent convert to paying customers(CR).

The calculation is: ($10.00 * 20,000Impressions / 1000)/(20,000*0.05*0.30) = $0.67. That is, the cost per acquisition is $0.67.

See Also:

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Do I have to Create a new email address for each Adwords Account?

The short answer is Yes.
It might sound annoying or pointless to create a new email address for each Adwords account. A friend might ask you to manage their Adwords, do you have to create an enw email, just for them? 
Yes, you have to. 
Because Google do not allow Adwords users to manage more than one account, unless the are an SEM agency (or a 3rd party professional). In that case, you will have to create the MCC. (My Client Center)

Here are some brief points, to avoid any confusion when creating and linking Adwords accounts. 
  • You do not give MCC account manager access because MCC is not an account. It is a manager. To link an Adwords account to MCC the invitation has to be send from the MCC itself. And it is not an invitation, it is a linking request done from the MCC dashboard (interface)
  • However, both the sub-level account and the Top Level MCC can terminate the access at any time.
  • It is not allowed by Google Adwords to let you have access, with your personal email, to other Adwords accounts to administer them, if you already have your own Adwords account. 
  • A rule of a thumb: one Email account for each Adwords account. If you want to manage more than one Adwords account, you have to be a 3rd party SEM Agency, in that case you will need the MCC account (My Client Center), and link the other Adwords accounts (those which each of them has its own email address).
  • You do not have to create the email accounts, for the Adwords only purpose, on Gmail. Yet, you can create them on any corporate email, or any email server you have access to.
  • Canceling an Adwords account does not authorize you to have access to other Adwords accounts. An Adwords access needs a dedicated email account, or go and have an MCC, but still you will have to create a new email for the granted access, unless you have the customer ID, then you invite the customer with their ID, and they should accept your access.


If you want to manage multiple Adwords accounts you will need to
  1. Create an MCC account.  
  2. MCC is only a user interface and API. It is not an adwords account and it does not manage accounts directly.
  3. To link adwords accounts to MCC in order to be able to access them directly, you should have the customer ID for the Adwords account (If there is no account, create an email, and an adwords account, and take the customer ID to the MCC to invite this created dedicated account). Or, create the new account on the MCC and create an email account and invite the email account from the MCC directly.
  4. The 2 parties should accept and grant access to each other. 

How to Reactivate a Canceled Adwords Account? - Fill The Form

Sometimes you want to suspend you Adwords account and stop all the running ads and campaigns. You can do so by going to "My Account" > Preferences > Account Cancellation.

To Reactivate it, you need to login in to your Adwords account, find your customer ID (on the top right corner). Then, go to this page:
and fill the reactivation form.

Please not that in the summary of the issue section, you will have to write the following:

I authorise Google to modify my Google AdWords account in the following way(s):

reactivate account

1. Requested change: Reactivate account

Account email:
Customer ID: xxx-xxx-xxx

Adwords account activation cancellation form
Adwords account activation/ cancellation form

Reactivation is done also by creating new campaigns. You will be asked if you want to reactivate the account. You just have to accept. 

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Google Email Targeted Adwords Display Ads

By +Mina Adly Younan
Google has launched a new type of Display Advertising Ads targeting your Gmail Account with supposedly relevant and contextual ads.

What is new about this type of Ads is that when you click them, they do not take you directly to the Ad Landing Page, but to your inbox where you can find a more promotional email.

The Perks are: 

1- You can save it to your inbox
2- Forward it on
3- Or you can dismiss it (then you won't see it again).

Google Email Markeing Adwords
A Screenshot from My Gmail inbox

In My opinion, it is very useful especially when you are advertising coupons, offers, events, or informative resources that your clients might find them useful and would keep them inboxed.

So, Are Google up to the email marketing business now or what?! 

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Advanced SEO techniques for e-Stores (infographic)

SEO techniques and Best practices for e-commerce and online Stores

  1. Use the semantic mark-up (rich snippets) to identify the specific content of the leaf and immediately give the user, since the SERP, information about the content of the ad, therefore maximizes the chances of clicks useful.
  2. If an item is no longer available instead of sending the user to a page completely useless, create a special that gives an indication of the possibilities offered him, maybe similar products or other alternatives. 
  3. Feedback: the ratings are low and you do not even produce them, will be the users will do it for you. Certainly will not be optimized, but since people are talking about naturally, most of passage.
  4. Use the filters and the pages tag: optimizes only the first page-level tags and filters, so as to avoid duplication
  5. Fill in the title: use generic keywords monetization. A good title can be: price / review / sale / Economic + product name.
  6. Geolocation allows not only to succeed in the SERPs, but also with users. If I live in Italy, even if I buy online, I will hardly offered in America. This speech is even more important when it comes to a store that sells both online and live. The watchword today, thanks to the development of the mobile is geolocation.
  7. Recent additions to the homepage post a direct link to the new arrivals. A user who frequently visit your site or search the news would appreciate because they do not have to dig into milel categories and filters to find new products.

Also, Do not forget:

  1. Pagenation
  2. Using USPs (Unique Selling Propositions) 

Monday, 18 March 2013

Ad Copies and Landing Pages A/B testing Best Practices for SEO

All you need to know about A/B Testing for landing pages and Ad copies for better SEO. 

Q: What is A/B testing?
A: Running different versions of the same creative and analyzing which has better impact. 

Q: When to do A/B testing?
A: 1 every 2 weeks

Q: What is a Winning Version?
A: Every 4 tests, you will find one apparent winner with 20% more conversion rate

Q: What to test?
A: In fact, everything should be tested, nut we will focus now on Landing pages and ad copies

Q: How to A/B test?

11 Obvious A/B Tests You Should Try

  1. Free Vs. Not.
  2. How to Video Vs. Features.
  3. always on (scrolling) sign-up button Vs. Static.
  4. Long form fields Vs. Short forms.
  5. 2-step checkout process Vs. multi-pages checkout.
  6. embedded live version of the product Vs. screenshots.
  7. Free trial Vs. Money Back Guarantee. 
  8. 14-days trial Vs. 30-days trial.
  9. Time based bonuses Vs. Open Time.
  10. Offers with a dollar value Vs. free offers without a dollar value.
  11. Green button Vs. Red Button.

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Facebook Conversion Tracking and OCPM for Direct Response Advertising

Last month, Facebook launched a new conversion measurement and optimization system for direct response marketers. Facebook conversion measurement allows advertisers to measure the ROI of their Facebook ads by counting relevant user actions, such as registrations and shopping cart checkouts that are driven by people seeing an ad on Facebook.

What is Facebook Conversion Tracking?

Conversion tracking helps businesses measure the return on investment of their Facebook Ads by reporting on the actions people take after viewing those ads. Advertisers can create pixels that track conversions, add them to the pages of their website where the conversions will happen, and then track these conversions back to ads they are running on Facebook. Conversion tracking also helps businesses leverage optimized cost per impressions (oCPM) to show ads to people who are more likely to convert off Facebook.

What are Facebook Conversions?

A conversion is an action that a person takes on a website such as checking out, registering, leads, Key page views, adding an item to the shopping cart, or viewing a particular page. Virtually any page on a website can represent a conversion. Facebook tracks conversions that happen within 1 day, 7 days, and 28 days after a person clicks on an ad, and 1 day, 7 days, and 28 days after viewing an ad.

Benefits of Facebook Conversion Tracking and OCPM:

Optimized CPM (OCPM) and Conversion Tracking tools are not only used to measure the ROI from Facebook PPC advertising, but are also used to deliver ads to people who are most likely to convert on their websites. Facebook’s Beta tests have shown that when conversion measurement is used with optimized CPM, ads reduced the cost per conversion by 40 percent when compared to CPC ads using the same budget. That is extremely valuable for marketers in e-commerce, retail, travel, financial services, and other direct-response industries that value actions taken on their websites.

How it Works?

Facebook ad manager will monitor which ads are generating more conversions and which users are more likely to convert from specific ad copies (e.g. Ad X drove Y sales). Then you can increase the CPC (or CPM), optimize the conversions page, adjust the ad copy, or even change the marketing strategy.  

OCPM conversion tracking facebook

Monday, 4 February 2013

New Animated Adsense Ads to be launched soon for PPC

Google Adsense is now testing a new Animated ad blocks.

The new ads are reformed automatically whenever a user hovers over them with their mouse cursors.

Watch these 2 videos to grasp how these new ads will look like on your web pages soon:

Friday, 1 February 2013

Modified Broad Match Diagram among other KWs Match Types

a href=””>Mina Younan
The Below is an informative illustration for Adwords Keywords matching types

The chart shows, in brief, how defining a match type for your KWs strategy can affect your results and thus your ranking.

Always put in mind: the Broader KW match type you use, the more you will pay, and the more (irrelevant) clicks you will receive.

And of course, dedicating more time for more matching match types, the less you pay, because you will receive less clicks, but the higher CTR%  you will gain (because your ads will only show to "interested" users.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Should I add and pay for my Brand name Keyword on a PPC Campaign?

What does it mean to have a PPC Campaign and you are already on top of Google's SERP?

Two reasons:

1- You don't want your competitor to take your name and fill your ad space
2- You want to cover the SERP with your presence 

Check this amazing example!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Best Tool for Adwords Audit: WordStream Videos

WordStream's AdWords Performance Grader


 Keyword Management - Internet Marketing, Quality Score, Google AdWords, Web Analytics


 WordStream PPC Advisor


Advanced Free and Paid PPC Tools for Adwords

WordStream’s Google AdWords Performance Grader

WordStream's Google AdWords Performance Grader is a free AdWords tool to help AdWords advertisers better understand how well their campaigns are performing compared to PPC best practices. The AdWords Performance Grader uses a proprietary grading algorithm based on more than 60 different factors, including ad spend data, Quality Score, ranking, impressions and other variables.

Certified Knowledge REPORT ANALYZER

The Report Analyzer allows you to easily find where you are making and losing money. Stop wasting time in Excel, this tool will do much of the work for you.


Determine exactly where you need Quality Score help. We'll give you an ordered list (and help) of where you need to improve your Quality Scores.

Certified Knowledge MASS AD COPY CREATOR

Easily create hundreds of ad copies across many ad groups. Perfect for creating ads for testing purposes or just building (or rebuilding) an account.

Certified Knowledge KEYWORD MIXER

The tool is perfect for when you want to expand your keyword list; especially using long tail methods. Easily create thousands of keywords.


This tool will let you compare tests against the control group and let you know if any of your tests have reached statistical significance.


Get a list of the major geographic keywords available for your area. Find zip codes, cities, metros, counties, and more. Currently available on for the United States.

Certified Knowledge BROKEN LINK FINDER

Use this tool to make sure your URLs work.


This tool will tell you the server status of any URL. Check to see if you are using redirects, have error pages, or see other server information.

UberSuggest Keywords Suggestions Tool:

A great tool that makes good use of Google Suggest and other suggest services.

QueryMiner Free Negative Keyword Tool

Here is what they say: Most AdWords accounts have anywhere from 2%-35% of their budgets being wasted on irrelevant search queries.  Get your FREE analysis and see if queryminer is right for you.  It's not unusual for the free negative keywords we give you to easily cover the cost of your queryminer subscription.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Top Local SEO Tools & Software

The below is a list of Top tools to use for your Local SEO:

There is also The tables below. They contain a list of the well-regarded, locally-focused tools. There are tons of other tools which deal with other aspects of link building, content creation, PPC, call tracking, etc…

Comparison of Features for the Top Local SEO Tools: