Avoid clicking on ads on your sites to know their destination URLs. With the Google Publisher toolbar for Chrome you can view your DoubleClick for Publishers, AdSense or AdExchange Seller account data without leaving your website.
Whether you're using AdSense, Ad Exchange or DoubleClick for Publishers, with the Google Publisher Toolbar you can view information on each of your Google ads, block unsuitable creatives, and see an account overview, all while browsing your own site.
The Google Publisher Toolbar adds an overlay to each of your Google ads, which provides some basic information about the ad, including its size, display URL and the advertiser name.
Clicking on the overlay generates an Ad Details pop-up with more detailed data including:
- A link to the ad’s landing page, allowing for safe clicks.
- Summary reporting on the ad unit including performance metrics, such as clicks, RPM and estimated revenue.
- The buyer name.
- The display URL.
From the Ad Details pop-up, you can also take action on an unwanted creative to block the ad, the URL or the ad network, or send feedback to Google.
Clicking on the Google Publisher Toolbar icon generates the Account Overview pop-up that provides a helpful summary including:
- An estimated account earnings summary for today, yesterday, this month or last month.
- The top five channels or top five sites in descending order of revenue for today, yesterday, 7 days, this month and last month.
With the Google Publisher Toolbar, you get an easily accessible account overview and enhanced insight into the ads on your page, together with the ability to manage creatives, without ever leaving your site.