Monday, 16 September 2013

2013 SEO Industry Survey Infographic by Moz

Seo Moz have conducted an amazing SEO Industry Survey for 2013 to predict 2014
Here is an infographic of the results:

You can find the detailed survey here:

and the questions were:

  1. What is your gender?
  2. What is your country of residence?
  3. What is your age?
  4. What is the highest level of education you have achieved?
  5. What is your pre-tax personal yearly earnings, including salary, bonuses, and side projects?
  6. What is your job title?
  7. How long have you worked in internet marketing?
  8. What was your professional position when you first engaged in internet marketing tactics?
  9. Do you and/or your team work on these internet marketing tactics?
  10. How many people do you manage?
  11. How would you rate your internet marketing skills in the following areas?
  12. In the past 12 months, my formal responsibilities or my agency's expectations of my team's responsibilities...
  13. Which of the following best describes the internet marketing role you currently fulfill?
  14. About how many clients have you worked with in the past 12 months?
  15. About how many clients do you work with at one time?
  16. Which consulting services do you or your company offer?
  17. Has demand for the following services increased or decreased in the last year?
  18. Which of the following tactics have you used to learn or advance your internet marketing knowledge?
  19. Of the following, which 4 do you most focus on from a content consumption/reading/learning perspective?
  20. Has your current organization ever done in-house training for you or your colleagues in the following inbound marketing topics?
  21. Which of the following industry conferences/events have you attended in the past 2 years?
  22. How many people are employed at your company?
  23. How many people in your company, part­-time and full­-time, work primarily on internet marketing?
  24. On average, what is your company’s monthly budget for outsourcing and consulting?
  25. About how much does your company spend on tools/software each month?
  26. On average, how much money does your company spend on the following forms of paid media for its own properties each month?
  27. On average, how many websites do you manage/optimize at a time?
  28. About how many unique pages does the largest website you manage have per month?
  29. How many different countries do you optimize for?
  30. When you're reporting on your internet marketing efforts, how often do you pull formal metric reports for your boss/clients/higher ups?
  31. How many people in your company access tools daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly to pull data and/or manage sites/accounts for SEO, social media, analytics, conversion rate optimization, and content marketing?
  32. What percentage of YOUR time is spent on the following inbound marketing tactics?
  33. What percentage of YOUR TEAM'S time is spent on the following inbound marketing tactics?
  34. In the past year, which of the following inbound marketing focused actions have you or your company/team employed?
  35. What types of inbound marketing content do you or your team produce?
  36. How often do you use your favorite inbound marketing tools?
  37. Which analytics tools do you currently use to track site usage?
  38. Which tools do you currently use for content marketing and/or outreach?
  39. Check any of the following tools you use for conversion rate optimization (CRO), page speed optimization, and/or usability?
  40. Which of the following video hosting solution(s) or video portals does your company use?
  41. For your largest site, about how many keyword rankings do you track (or care about)?
  42. Which SEO Tools have you PAID to use in the last 12 months?
  43. Which SEO Tools have you used the FREE version in the last 12 months?
  44. Which of the following keyword research tools have you used in the last 12 months?
  45. On these top social networks, how many company accounts do you/others run for your company?
  46. For what purposes do you use the following social media channels?
  47. Which 5 social networks do you use most for your social media marketing efforts?
  48. What are the top 5 secondary social sites that are most important to your company?
  49. Which tools do you currently use to manage and/or report on social media?
  50. Which functions are important for you in social media management tools?
  51. How do you feel about the following major search engines', social networks', tech companies', and tech media outlets' ethics and standards?
  52. Which of these tech media and/or inbound marketing blogs do you read at least once a month?
  53. Future predictions: What do you think about these industry trends?