Tuesday, 2 April 2013

How Display Adverting Can Cost More than Just the Money?

Every Advertising Specialist (Whether Online or Offline) knows how important selecting the Ad space is. No company wants to put its Ad in the wrong place, or in a hidden space. That is why I highly recommend not to use the Automatic placements. Imagine if you are offering travel packages to Greece, you do not want to put your banners over a site citing news about turmoils in Athena because the Automatic placements engine will relate the keywords without understanding the CONTEXT. Or if you are a MacDonald's like brand you don't want to put your sandwiches pictures beside a title that says junk food is bad for your health.

Here are some funny examples on how ads can cost more than just the money.

1-Misplaced Offline Ads

2- Misplaced Online Ads

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