Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Even a Contact-Us Page can increase your traffic - Infographic

Online Marketing is all about thinking outside the box to invent or discover ways to increase your visibility.
We have talked before about the importance of the 404 Not Found Error Page and how it should be optimized for the user experience and SEO but what is new is optimizing the contact us page.

Neil Patel, the SEO giant is having a quite interesting infographic for his Contact us page, not only to minimize the unnecessary emails in his inbox, but also to prove how genius he is presenting a dull page in such an interesting manner that would make his visitors pass more time reading his "Contact us" page instead of just "writing" him an email.

What is really funny about this page is that he writes explicitly that the contact form in the page is not even working and if someone wanna leave him a message they should either send him to his direct email 'neil@neilpatel.com' or call him.

Now, Time to Get inspired:

Neil Patel infographic SEO