Thursday, 17 January 2013

Where Bad (Scam) Ads are Going in 2013? infographic and Video

In 2011, advertisers submitted billions of ads to Google, and of those, Google disabled more than 130 million ads. And their systems continue to improve—in fact, in 2011 they reduced the percentage of bad ads by more than 50% compared with 2010. That means that their methods are working. Google is also catching the vast majority of these scam ads before they ever appear on Google or on any of their partner networks.
For example, in 2011, Google shut down approximately 150,000 accounts for attempting to advertise counterfeit goods, and more than 95% of these accounts were discovered through Google’s own detection efforts and risk models.

Here’s David Baker, Engineering Director, who can explain more about how Google detect and remove scam ads:

In 2012, Google continued to make progress towards this goal: They introduced new tools for stopping bad ads, provided greater transparency around the ads review process, and explained how advertisers can connect with them if they ever mistakenly disapprove good ads. 

Below is a more complete look at Google’s efforts to combat bad ads in 2012.