Tuesday, 22 January 2013

The Future of SEO is Neuromarketing and Buyology:

In the 1950s, advertisers claimed they could get inside people's heads with subliminal ads, which supposedly flashed words like "Drink Coke" for a fraction of a second during a movie. Today, they're trying to get into your head by actually getting inside of it.

Inside a lab at a company called NeuroFocus, test subjects are having their eye movements and brainwaves measured as they watch commercials to see what they respond to at a subconscious level.
Researchers at NeuroFocus say people's likes and dislikes are governed by something deeply subconscious, and that 99 percent of all thinking and decision-making processes are performed without us actually knowing it.

According to Roger Dooley, the author of Neuromarketing and Brainfluence, neuromarketing is a science that’s based on the fact that 95% of all thoughts, emotions, and learning occur before we are ever aware of it.

So when it comes to the new algorithm updates in Search Engine Marketing or Optimization, The new Penguin and Panda have now declared it clearly: SEO is all about the user experience and the quality of content.

Soon enough you will not see low-quality pages stuffed with strategic key phrases.  
In other words, SEO will not stand for “search Engine Optimization” but “Social Engagement Optimization”
Any content to be Seo friendly has to be:

  1. Informative
  2. Genuine
  3. Attractive

It also has to be:

  1. Simple: This is how marketing works. Make sure your content is written clearly in language everyone can understand (unless you’re serving a niche audience that expects more technical or sophisticated language).
  2. Objective not subjective: Think of it like that; your visitors still do not know you. But they have a need. They have an urge to fill that need. They pursuit answers, reviews, information, and past experiences. This research is what they do before they decide whether or not they will engage with your activities. Hence, try to present yourself by giving general advices (from a person to a person). Don’t make it a brand who is talking about itself. Give comparisons! Discuss Products! Be informative on the industry! In other words: Be generous! Don’t use the word “we” or start off your pitch with a corporate overview that lasts 10 minutes. Focus instead on how to relieve your customers’ pain. Our brains are extremely self-centered, and we care most about our own survival.
  3. Short not long: About 10,000 messages are sent to our brains daily, so get to the point. “When you sell to the lower brain structure, you must say, ‘This is your life with our product or service, this is your life without.’ Stay away from, “We are one of the leading providers.” It’s the marketing equivalent of “sugar — empty calories.”
  4. Seen not Read: Try to make your design as responsive as possible! What our eyes see connects directly with the unconscious parts of the brain that marketers want to reach; that means you want to make your points (and your website design) as visual as possible. Photos and pictures are a great way to sell concepts quickly and directly in a brain-pleasing way. And, by the way, facial expressions are great to use--our noggins immediately identify with them.
  5.  Strong when starts, Long when it finishes: The brain notices how you begin and how you end more than what you’re saying in the middle, so you want to make sure that your site (and your content) has an attention-getting open and a close that really makes your case in dramatic fashion. It’s important because the brain needs to recap and store.
  6.  With emotions: as we said before, the message has to be objective not subjective about your brand and your business. However, it should also be introduced with emotions. Go beyond facts and make your customers feel! Give testimonials, short case studies, and reviews. Emotions are more memorable and influential than the abstract message itself.  Emotions creates disruption, a contrast with what we expect — surprise, laughter, fear, disgust, anger, it really doesn’t matter. If there is emotion, we are more likely to remember the message. Nothing happens in the brain unless some chemical process has found a code to create memories. To create a memorable brand, therefore, you have to use emotional connectors in your advertising. Don’t just give your audience the facts, tell them how it will make their lives better and solve their pain.

In conclusion, applying Neuromarketng to SEO will not only makes the penguin and the panda like you, but most importantly will make your pages more appealing to clients and will definitely increase their interactions and conversations with you.
