Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Top Dos and Don’ts in Ads Headlines for Highest CTR / Conversions (on Adwords)

The Dos

The following are some best practices that you have to put in mind when creating a new PPC campaign on Adwords, Bing, or even Facebook.

1.       Questions can spark interest:

"Still in retirement?", "Woes with driver's license?", "Save $700 now?"
2.       Offer instructions:
"Cure cold yourself," "PC: Make 3x faster, "Keep tires longer," "Always be proved right."
3.       Tell stories:
"How I lost 56 pounds," "I was poor and dumb," "Why you chose me."
4.       Divulge insider information:
"Wal-Mart's Secret," "The Mystery of the Maya," "What brokers hide."
5.       Claim the unbelievable:
"Make $1273 from $1," "99% do it wrong, "Diet without exercise."
6.       Create trust:
"5000 satisfied customers," "Recommended by Dalai Lama," "25 years experience."
7.       Compare:
"Better than on TV," "Smaller than a nail."

The Don’ts

You must know that Google has a restrict system of reviewing all published ads. The following are some editorial guidelines Google have provided to allow your ad to be published

1.       Superlatives are usually rejected:
"The Fastest Service" or "The Cheapest PC Shipping."

2.       You cannot steal other brand name and use it as if it is yours

3.       You cannot use X-Rated landing pages URLs 

4.       You cannot give any general instructions:
"Click Here" or "Call Now" (with the telephone number in the ad text).

5.       Google does not allow any content that is X-rated or objectionable.

6.       You are not allowed to overuse capitalization:
"IMPORTANT" is not allowed. You can capitalize each individual word, e.g. "Build Radios Yourself."
7.       The headline cannot include exclamation marks ("!").
8.       Punctuation marks cannot be repeated:
"???" is not permitted.
9.       You must leave empty spaces between words:
"ToTheMoonAndBack" is not permitted.