Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Regional Social Media Platforms i.e. Local Replicas of Facebook

If you are interested in Targeting Specific Local or Regional Markets on Social Media and need to get out the Facebook Authority and search for new blood (or have big budget and want to cover the internet cloud)
here is a list of Local Replicas of Facebook.

A German Facebook mock-up for Germans
Another German replica. It means “Pupil Register”
Also another German copy but appears to be more intended for the 50+ set, It has around 100K users

The largest Facebook clone in China, and was merged with another social network called 5Q.
The Russian Facebook. And  there is “”, the Russian YouTube

The Indian Facebook
Available in four different countries: Turkey, Russia, Germany, and United Kingdom.

Means (your “community center”) is yet another German attempt at cloning Facebook, claiming more than 30,000 schools as part of its network. They have changed the look and feel a bit, but it’s still built around academic and regional networks.

A social network for the Australian market. They have added a feature similar to Facebook’s News Feed, allowing you “to see which one of your friends have updated their profiles and/or added friends.”

The Turkish Facebook clone also targets student networks

regional local social media