Wednesday, 28 November 2012

More Analytics tools for SEO and Social Media

 Tools to Analysie Your Online Marketing Activities are literally unlimited. In this blog I will just mention a slice of loooong list important tools.

Of course I do not have to mention Google Analysitcs ans it is supposedly well known.

Besides Google Analytics we have these 5 interesting Analytics tools for SEO and Social Media

Analytics tools for SEO and Social Media
Analytics tools for SEO and Social Media

  1. Social Media Metrics plugin:  shows you a comprehensive list of all your social shares in Google Analytics
  2. RetweetRank: shows how often you get retweeted
  3. YouTube Insight: in-site analytics that tracks your videos’ popularity, views, and more
  4. ShareThis: provides visitors with an easy way to share your content; also integrates with Google Analytics to show you which social channels are the most successful/popular with sharers on your site
  5. Reachli (formerly Pinerly) and Pinpuff: shows analytics reports for your Pinterest account. Pinerly also lets you create “campaigns” with selected pins and then compare different campaigns over time
