Adhere to these 10 commandments for all the days of thy life and thou
shalt avoid many smitings.
Keep them close to thou heart always.
Your search engine is your sole source of free traffic. Even if you’re
getting traffic from forums or blogs – that traffic itself has started
out as a search engine query. Don’t forget that
The search engines
have the almighty power.
1st Commandment
Thou shalt have content as close to the top level of thy site as possible
2nd Commandment
Thou shalt group content into logical “buckets” based on topical relevance
3rd Commandment
Thou shalt make it as easy as possible for users to share content
4th Commandment
Thou shalt not buy links or spam
5th Commandment
Thou Shalt Honor Your Users by creating high-quality content for them, not simply for search engines
6th Commandment
Thou Shalt Not Overkill with Flash
7th Commandment
Thou shalt not stuff URLs with unnecessary words.
8th Commandment
Thou shalt not use redirects that are on a timer or are on the client side.
9th Commandment
Thou shalt not show web crawlers content that is different than the content shown to humans.
10th Commandment
Thou Shalt Not Use SEO Keywords in Vain